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Dr. Karl Steinberg is a practicing geriatrician, bioethicist, hospice & palliative care specialist, and family physician with over 30 years of experience in these various fields. He's also a legal expert in the arena of unrepresented patients. The interview is extremely informative in terms of the current legal landscape as well as the history of legislation protecting unrepresented patients. Please excuse my "ums" and repeated "thank you's;" I'm pretty new to interviewing.  


In the interview, Dr. Steinberg answers these questions (timestamps): 

-Could you give a quick overview of the legal history for unrepresented patient policy in California?

-What effects did HSC Section 1418.8 have on unrepresented patients?

-What were the flaws in HSC Section 1418.8? How could it be abused?

-How did nursing home reform advocate groups interact with the legal framework set up by 1418.8?

-What has been the fate of unrepresented patients since this 2013 decision?

-Is there currently a push to revise and reinstate section 1418.8? What changes are being made and what is the timeline for this push?

-Can you speak to the Office of Long Term Care Patient Representatives? Who are they, what’s their role, are they currently active, what (other) issues are they facing?

-What do you think the next steps will be and where do you think we’ll be in a few years? Where do you wish we would be and how might we get there?

-Is there anything else you’d like to tell us?


If you've read through all of this or watched the interview thank you so much! I really hope that this interview helped clarify some legal issues with unrepresented patients and how dire current circumstances are. Please try to spread the word as much as you can through social media. If you haven't, go check out my Instagram @unrepresented_patients. 

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